What is this?

Social change is a process which provokes intentional or unintentional alterations in social structures, attitudes and/or behaviours. It is usually driven by shifts in economic, political, cultural, technological and/or ecological systems, often resulting in a significant alteration of group and individual relationships. In the digital age, such changes have been accelerated and enabled by the ubiquity of digital communications, allowing more people to become more interconnected, more easily. As the tension between old and new, often hidden, worlds arise, the effects of social change have never been more visible and more essential in the journey towards a better, more inclusive and equitable world.

See also: social justice, direct democracy, transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, systemic transformation

Self-Organising Collaborative Governance Q+A w/ Richard Bartlett 1,575

Depolarising Conversations w/ Richard D Bartlett and Ronan Harrington 400

Joshua Vial & Richard D. Bartlett: the journey of a community founder 359

Cultural Catalyst Network - Karl Steyaert & Richard D. Bartlett - April 6 2020 341

Coronavirus: light and dark. Collective sensemaking with Ronan Harrington & Richard D. Bartlett 89

Coronavirus: light and dark. Collective sensemaking with Ronan Harrington & Richard D. Bartlett 60

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 44

New congregation - Emerging Leaders - Michael Stern & Richard D Bartlett - Nov 2020 41

Cultural Catalyst Network - Karl Steyaert & Richard D Bartlett - April 2020 33

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 2